Monday, January 28, 2008

Testifying in Cowboy Boots

I always wear boots, and usually don't have to dress in a suit, but today is an exception. I'm wearing my Dan Post Black Ostrich Leg Cowboy Boots today. I will appear before a committee of our state senate to testify on a pending bill to restrict using a cell phone or sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle. A good buddy was killed several years ago by a cell-phone-yapping-SUV-driving-yuppie, who only got a slap on the wrist and no jail time for killing my friend. Personally, I think cell phones have their place, but not inside a 5,000-pound moving vehicle.

This bill hasn't passed committee before because our part-time legislature is forever on their cell phones, and they don't want to restrict themselves. It's time for this practice to stop.

I have to say, though, that while this law has been on the books in Washington, DC, for a couple years, nobody abides by it and the cops don't enforce it. I see cell-phone-yapping yuppies blathering away all the time while driving on DC city streets. Nonetheless, I think it's time the law gets passed in Maryland, and the cops enforce it.

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