Sunday, February 10, 2008


I haven't blogged in several days because work had me in Nashville in charge of an event. It went well, but kept me really busy. The spirit of my dear friend who died last week was with me, and she would have been with me in Nashville had she not had to have surgery.

The return from Nashville to my home in Maryland on Friday night was an almost-disaster, with US-scareways canceling my return flight so I had to switch over to Delta and endure a layover in Atlanta. I got home at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.

After a fitful sleep, my partner and I headed over to the church where a memorial mass for my friend was held. Soon enough, the church was packed. Many dignitaries from all over the state and nearby jurisdictions were there. Bike cops lined the entrance and directed traffic, and a local fire company put up its ladders in a formation above the church driveway.

I had spoken with my friend's husband and family and expressed my personal thoughts and love during formal visitation and also by phone, and shared my own eulogy for my friend and mentor during the service. I followed a couple elected officials whose eulogies were rather uninspiring, thus putting the pressure on me even more. I think I did okay. Thank goodness for years of public speaking experience, as I was composed and spoke fondly of my friend, using humor and joy, without breaking up (until I got home later.)

I shall miss my friend in many ways, but her legacy continues to move me forward. I just ask myself, "what would (M) do?" and then do it.

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