Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fetish or not a Fetish?

For the third time in as many days, I've had people write or comment on some things I have posted or written elsewhere on the Internet saying that I must have a "boot fetish" and/or a "leather fetish."

According to Wikipedia, Fetishism means a sexual admiration of an inanimate object.

Well, I certainly like boots, and I enjoy my leather. Do I find boots and leather sexually attractive? No. Do I find a man wearing boots and leather sexually attractive? Maybe -- it depends on the man wearing them. Sure, I may say that a guy who looks good in boots and leather is "hot," but to me that's just the same thing as a straight man saying that a bikini-clad woman is beautiful. Does the straight man in this example have a bikini fetish? No more so than I have a boot or leather fetish (in my own opinion.)

Do I find my partner sexually attractive? Always. And when he is in boots and leather, it just adds to the enjoyment of the experience. But he is attractive to me for his mind and his integrity, honesty, and thoughtfulness, much more so than what he wears (or doesn't wear, as the case may be.)

Some insist that I must have a boot and leather fetish because I have "so much" of it (124 pairs of cowboy and motorcycle boots is a lot, I admit). But I really do wear them for the reasons they're made: as footwear. Not sexual wear. As for leather? Yeah, again, I have a fair amount of leather garments, which I wear when I ride my motorcycle, for warmth, around the house, and also when I enjoy more intimate relationships with my partner. To me, it's not that I am IN leather that gets me aroused. It's just fun to have fun with my partner when we're both in leather. I get well aroused with him without leather just as easily (and often.)

So I disagree with those who claim that I have a "boot fetish," "leather fetish," or whatever. I wear boots because they are practical for what I do and where I go, I like how they look, and I like how they feel. I wear leather for the same reasons, as well as for warmth and protection when I ride my motorcycle.

Also see my related follow-up blog post titled "An Avocation" for additional information.

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