Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Suit and Boots

It was "suit and boots" time again at our state legislature for this civic activist yesterday. I testified before a committee which is considering a bill to repeal our state's mandatory motorcycle helmet law. I believe the law should be retained. There are far too many head injuries of motorcyclists in other states where the law is not in place. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear the opposing arguments about freedom, heat, etc., etc., but I don't buy it. And I hope the bill dies in committee, which it looks like it will.

I was wearing my Dan Post Brown Ostrich Leg Cowboy Boots and this new brown leather blazer, shirt & tie, etc. A few bikers were there were in traditional "biker" attire -- chaps, jeans, boots, and vests with a zillion metal pins on them. What was amusing to me is that the bikers were really holding up the security line, and several of them had to help each other take off the other's boots. It was interesting viewing for this Bootman!

So there I am, standing behind this huge line of bikers at security, them in the boots and leathers (my customary attire) and me in a suit (not customary attire). The guard looked at me and said, "let me look in your bag and then you can go around." So I by-passed the show in the building lobby. Imagine, being a boot & leather man and yet having a suit be the reason why I'm given the fast lane. I just laughed all the way to the hearing room.

Since I was on the opposing side of several of the booted bikers in the audience, let's say they weren't all that happy with me. As I was leaving, one of them stuck his boot out so that I had to step over his leg or risk tripping. As I was stepping over him, I just smiled and said, "nice Wescos. I have several pairs of those boots myself." He gave me a puzzled look.

Anyway, as I go about my daily routine, be it at work or as a community and civic activist, I'm booted all the way.... but perhaps not always in leather, as much as I would like to be.

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