Saturday, February 16, 2008

You Look Like a Good Solid Man in Those Boots

At a local grocery store this morning, I was escorting my elderly aunt to the car with bagfuls of groceries when I was stopped by a old fart doing a petition drive for a referendum to put a question on our ballot in November to ask if a law that was passed by our county that prohibits discrimination against transgender people should be repealed. I have mentioned this in previous posts.

The misguided old man said, "you look like a real good son, and a good solid man in those boots. Do you want to allow men to use women's bathrooms?"

I blew up. The law that was passed by our county (unanimously) simply says that transgender people should be included among the protected classes that are already included in our county's civil rights laws. Existing law also says that operators of public facilities, such as gyms and spas, can designate who can use certain rooms such as restrooms that are purely personal and private. Therefore, this new law does not require operators of public facilities to permit men to use women's bathrooms or vice-versa.

Thus, when this misguided old fart approached me complimented me
on my boots, he was assuming that I would want to join their hateful, spiteful, narrow-minded misinformation campaign because, as he said, "you must be a real solid man." He sure had another thing coming! I told him just what I thought of his mean-spirited campaign, especially that he is engaging in fear-mongering by taking advantage of seniors to spread misinformation.

I thought the old guy was going to have a cardiac arrest by the way he sputtered and fumed and carried on in response to what I said in a calm but factual voice. I'm so sorry for this man, and his few mean-spirited, misguided so-called friends whose humanity is only smaller than their narrow minds. Pictured here as well are the boots I had on today. I guess Justin Square-Toed Cowboy Boots look like a "solid man's boots."

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