Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beautiful dawn stroll

While I'm not a city boy, and generally after working all day in the city I look forward to high-tailing it out to our suburban hide-away, I still recognize that I live in a very special place in the world. There's nothing quite like Washington DC anywhere else in the world. I've been to 56 countries, and have seen many beautiful locations. I still feel quite a bit of pride in how pretty Washington is, especially in the Spring. When the ornamental cherry trees bloom around the city, it's spectacular.

Today, my partner and I got up well before dawn and drove into the city, found a place to park near my partner's office, which is just a block from the Tidal Basin. Even though it was very early and very cold (35F), there still were a lot of people out -- though I wouldn't say that it was crowded.

I leathered up from head to boot and we took a nice stroll. I posted a gallery of photos on my website. We enjoyed our short visit, though I was back home and back to work on my long list of things to do on the weekend by 8:30.

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