Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Eighth Brother

I'd like you to meet my eighth brother, who we'll refer to as "AZ", since he now lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

I have blogged about him before as he brings such joy to my life. Words can not express what I think of him -- well, to admit him to my family as my eighth brother is saying something.

We met when he reached out to me, with the first email contact including not only a wonderful and thoughtful expression, but photos of him including one with his cute little nephew. I could tell immediately that he was something special, and have learned all the more through numerous phone conversations and meeting him in person how wonderful he is.

My blood brothers are close to one degree or another, and my twin brother is my soulmate. Heck, he has to be because we grew up together. But AZ is a soulmate on another level. None of my blood family are gay, but are supportive of me nonetheless. AZ is gay, and knows what it's like to try to live a good, quality life in a world that isn't accepting or tolerant sometimes. My own family members try to be understanding, but the straight world just can't relate. Their "wiring" is different.

AZ helped me immensely through some very rough times I had been going through in 2005/06, with nastiness from a former employer, my partner's physical health conditions and emotional reactions to those changes in his life, and dealing with my emotions when I was caring for my sweet uncle though the winter of his life until his death, at home with dignity and honor. AZ was always there. He is a terrific listener, and his exceptionally positive outlook on life and one's well-being carried me through hard times. He has no idea how much he really helped me, just by being who he is.

Things are going rather well for me now. My life is stable, I love my job, and my partner is adjusting to his physical situation. AZ, however, is looking for that life in a home with the proverbial white picket fence, and to wake up with a man by his side as he moves down life's highway, doing God's Good Works. (He's not in the clergy, but he truly is one who is in God's good graces with his honesty, integrity, and caring deeds done without fanfare.)

I love this man, as my brother, my friend, my confidant, my soulmate. We have to find him a man of equal integrity. AZ's charm, talents, fun, spirit, and positive nature need a match. I know that someone of such great talent and who is so gorgeous in appearance can be intimidating, thinking perhaps that he would behave like a jerk, because good-looking gay guys often come across that way. Believe me, he's a normal, down-to-earth, sweetheart of a man. No guile or self-aggrandization can be found, at all, period.

What a joy to have him as such a close friend.

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