Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My guy won!

It was a close race, but my guy won the primary election yesterday. Pictured, there I am at the victory party looking at election returns on the web.

A lot of volunteers put in many hours of hard work, which paid off. My guy won out over special interest funding that attempted, but didn't succeed, in buying the position.

I'm very happy, though very tired today. I was out until 10:00 last night! That's very late for me. I turn into a pumpkin usually by 8:30 or 9.

Tonight will again be a late one -- I have the pleasure of attending a national awards dinner where my dear friend who was in a county elected position and who died on Feb. 1 will receive a big award being bestowed up her posthumously. I am driving her family to the event tonight and celebrating with them. Her husband is the one who won the primary election yesterday to carry out the term and fulfill the vision of what us community activists wanted our elected leader to accomplish.

Hmmm... perhaps I can go to bed early tomorrow night. I sure hope so. I'm draggin'.

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