Saturday, April 19, 2008

Station work booted

I've had this pair of Station Boots for a while now. They're very comfortable boots. They have a boot zipper that is laced in. Once the zipper is firmly attached, then putting them on and taking them off is as easy as closing or opening a zipper.

My partner and I got up at dawn and spent the day working on our lawn. We rented sod cutter and took out a bunch of dead grass and saved the little bit that remained alive. We already had bought some sod, so after the sod cutter work was done and we returned it to the rental center, we came back home and lay the sod. We still have more ground to cover with sod, but we got a huge amount of work done today. Frankly, I would rather have been out riding my Harley on such a pleasantly warm day, but when you own a home, sometimes work like this supercedes having any fun. I kept these boots on all day and my feet feel fine, even though the rest of my body is sore as heck.

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