Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Being an Out and Open Leatherman

Yep, I enjoy leather. I always have, since I got my first motorcycle while in college. Being a biker is a fairly easy "excuse" to wear leather and tall boots. But that's only for public impression, for those who don't really comprehend an interest in leather.

As I've blogged before, my interest in boots and leather is an avocation -- a hobby -- and something that is pleasurable. It's comfortable, durable, and forgiving for my body type. I wear leather almost every day, in public, and as readers of this blog are aware, display my gear on my website.

Being so out and open in my community and as a minor public figure is not a problem. That's because my community has a casual and mature kind of tolerance. But being out and open on the Internet has occasional consequences that have to be dealt with. For example, some guys who visit my website but don't read the FAQs perceive that I may want to "play" with them, a code word for having sex. Or that I might want them to visit to do things with or on my boots. A few have sent me email messages suggesting we get together.

That's a consequence I accept for being so "out there." Actually, in a way such a come-on is somewhat flattering to me as an older, greying, bearish man. I am quite able to respond by saying, "thank you, but no thanks." There hasn't been a one who has failed yet to understand the second line that I write, "I am in a monogamous relationship with my life partner, and we don't play with others." A few may think this sounds harsh, but it is just a description of my reality and my life. My partner is my one-and-only, and I never have nor will do anything to cause him to question my integrity and commitment to him, and to "us."

Life is short: wear your leather and your boots, and enjoy life!

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