Friday, May 2, 2008

Economically Stimulated

When I checked my bank account this morning, I found that I was "economically stimulated" with a direct deposit from the IRS. [And since I get a lot of visitors to this blog from outside the U.S., let me explain. Since the U.S. economy is so horrible due to the terrible mismanagement by the current U.S. President, he and our Congress decided to give every taxpayer in the country a "rebate" ranging from $300 to $600 per person. The idea is that we will spend the money and thus help to "stimulate" the economy by spending it. That money is being distributed this month.]

Sure, I'll take the money. I was planning on saving all of it, but I decided to take two actions with it instead.

I've had my eye on a pair of Dan Post Vegas Cut boots in black cherry. I picked up a pair of these boots in brown in February while on a business trip to Nashville, and I have really liked them. They are very comfortable and make a great cowboy boot clunk sound while walking in them. In fact, yesterday when I was walking around my office building doing some fire escape planning with two building engineers, both heard the clunks, looked at my feet, and said simultaneously, "cool boots!"

Well, I decided to apply some of the "economic stimulus" that I just received into getting the boots I've had my eye on, and then I am donating the rest to Equality Maryland's Basic Rights Montgomery campaign. The issue is very complex and can't be explained here briefly. It's about a lawsuit to fight a referendum measure whose signatures to place it on the ballot in our county were obtained through misrepresentation, and was funded by outside hate-mongers.

So, Shrub and Congress, you don't support LGBT issues, but I'm using your "economic stimulus" to support them, as well as invest a bit in the economy (but I'd do that, anyway... that's what the Boot Fund is for!)

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