Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why We Are Not Going to IML

Time is rolling around again for the International Mr. Leather Contest (IML) to be held in Chicago. It's always held over Memorial Day weekend.

My partner and I had talked about it for years, and finally went for the first -- and last -- time in 2007.

Why do I say, "and last"? Well, events like this are really for younger, single men who enjoy staying up late for socializing. I've never been a night-person my whole life. Even with a "disco nap," I find myself still dragging after about 10pm, and most things don't really get going until midnight and last long after that.

Further, while it's interesting to see so many men in leather in one place, the crowds are sometimes overwhelming, such as at the bars. Not having our own transportation, getting to the bars that are friendly to leather folk in Chicago had to be by bus.

Plus, it's just darned expensive. Airfare, hotel for four nights, eating out, and even a soft drink at the bar ... it all adds up. They stretch out IML two days longer than Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL) and it just makes it more expensive to stay for the duration of the event. (Many guys don't).

I also have to say that being in a monogamous relationship makes a big difference, too. Most of the guys who attend IML are there for sex with other guys. We weren't. We had great sex with each other while we were there, but we have that regularly at home. Location doesn't matter -- to us.

So, as I said, "been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the boots shined." We made the best of it last year, but won't be returning.

If you like, check out the photos that I took at IML 2007 and posted on my website.

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