Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dehner Booted Ride!

Saturday was a washout with chores to do around the house and some strong thunderstorms punctuating the afternoon with heavy rain and winds. Fortunately, there was no damage around our place, but it confined my activities to indoor stuff. I spent several hours doing genealogy work for my huge family, and updating our family website.

Sunday was another story. We awoke to a bright and sunny morning, and a warm one at that. I pulled on my CHP breeches and tall Dress instep calf leather custom Dehner Boots. I especially like the big Vibram soles, which give me good traction. After preparing home-made waffles for Sunday breakfast for my partner and me, I set off to b
reak in my new Harley-Davidson Road King.

Man, that machine is big, and heavy. It's quite a bit of work to maneuver at slow speeds and around corners. I'm sure I'll get used to it. I rode on backroads and byways of my beautiful home State of Maryland. I saw a lot of other bikers out there. And a state cop directing traffic at an intersection where the stoplights were out looked at me, then at the boots and breeches, then back up at my face and gave me a salute! He was cute, and the gesture was unexpected.

I stopped along the way to have some water and ju
st take a break. A Harley group was on a ride, and they stopped at the same place I did. I had a nice conversation with those guys. Several asked me about my boots, where I got them (through Stompers, of course), and how they felt on the bike. If these guys weren't just beginning their ride, planning to ride for many more hours, I might have joined them. But I was getting tired and a bit sunburned (I forgot the sunscreen). I shook hands goodbye and took a gentle ride home.

I put on about 100 miles on the new bike, learning how it operates and handles. It practically rides itself when on the open road. It is
very comfortable. I look forward to many more rides on this beautiful machine, booted all the way. (Hmmm, what boots will be next? Stay tuned...).

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