Monday, June 23, 2008

Return to "Things Boots"

It's been an interesting time this last week or so when I have blogged about some stuff I was doing in my professional life. While I don't want to frighten any readers, I can tell generally where people are coming from and where they find this blog. Please be reassured, I can't determine identity of individuals or anything like that. But for example, when I noticed that I had a number of visitors from Europe and Australia, I put measurements in Metric equivalents. (Frankly, I wish the U.S. weren't so insistently backward in retaining its old-fashioned system of measurements, instead of adopting the system the rest of the world uses. Oh well, there I go again... off topic!)

My stats were showing that Google searches were causing many people who were looking for information related to the field or locality of what I had been doing and where I was to end up on this blog. Well, this is a Gay Man's "Boot & Leather Life" Blog, and it's not likely that people who were using search engines about one thing wanted to end up here.

So, I have deleted those blog posts from last week. If you read them, that's great... thanks for your understanding and support. If you didn't, well they're gone, so let's get back to the basics: Boots, Leather, and living life with gusto as an out and open monogamously partnered Gay Man and who's involve a bit in local civic life -- respected for who I am, not discriminated against for "what" I am.

Tomorrow and hereafter I'll return to my cowboy-and-biker booted Harley-ridin' roots on this blog. Meanwhile, this message explains where some of the past messages went, and why they were deleted. I also chalk this up to experience in the blogging world, which is relatively new to me, having only been blogging since late January, 2008.

BTW, not all boots have to be tall and black, but man-oh-man, they sure catch my eye when they are! See 'ya booted, later!

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