Friday, July 4, 2008

A Happy Independence Day

Today the United States celebrates its birthday of 232 years since it declared itself independent from Britain. I prefer to call this day "Independence Day" because it the true name of the holiday. I mean, we can always wish someone a "Happy Fourth", but then again, we can wish them a "Happy Fifth," too. All days should be happy, but today is a great one to celebrate the birth of this great nation (with all its faults, it's still a great place to be.)

I had been coaching two friends to become U.S. citizens for about a year now. They passed their citizenship test a few months ago. Today, they were sworn in as our newest citizens in Baltimore. What better way to enjoy this particular holiday but welcome new citizens to our country, and sign them up to vote!

Shortly after the ceremony, we celebrated at Fort McHenry, where the famous "Star Spangled Banner" flew during the bombardment of the fort during the war of 1812. Francis Scott Key was held aboard a British ship and watched the bombs bursting in air and the illumination of the flag throughout the night. Thus, he penned a poem which was put to music and became our National Anthem.

We will enjoy a traditional Maryland crab feast at my brother's home with all of my humongous family this afternoon. Then if the weather permits, watch fireworks at Baltimore Harbor. It was the bombardment of Baltimore by the British during the War of 1812 that caused fireworks to be related to our country's birthday celebration. What better place to enjoy fireworks but where that relationship was born?

I love this holiday, and hope you do too. Happy Independence Day, and Happy Birthday, America!

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