Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Renewing Acquaintance with my Past "Frye Bootman"

Man, it's a small world. I had blogged just the other day about Frye Boots. I mentioned in that blog post about a cool dude in high school who influenced lots of other guys when he wore a pair of new Frye boots to school one day.

Today, who should I bump into on the Metro but this same guy! He looked great, and was easy to recognize. I had seen him a few times since high school graduation at reunions, but not in the past decade. Nonetheless, there he was. Same great smile, graceful style, and a full head of hair (can't say the same for myself!)

He glanced down at my feet and said, "I see you're still wearing boots." My reply, "yep, every day!" Since I didn't ride my Harley to Metro today, I was wearing my new Dan Post Vegas Cut black cherry cowboy boots.

I asked him if he still had boots, because I remembered he wore them in high school. (He had on loafers today). He said, "I don't have any from high school, but I have one pair of cowboy boots." I didn't push it. He's like most other straight guys who don't ride a motorcycle. These guys may have a pair of cowboy boots in the closet, but seldom wear them.

He asked, "are you still riding a motorcycle?" My reply, "of course! I just got a new Harley Road King. "That's great," he said. He asked me about my twin brother, who was a jock in high school. This guy was a jock, too, so they were closer. I told him that my brother works in Europe but was home for a couple weeks. I gave him my email and ask him to contact me, and I would put him in touch with my brother if he wants to see him while he's in town.

And that was that. A quick handshake with a "good to see ya" and he walked off toward the Capitol building.

I think I've seen him in the past few weeks, but wasn't sure. Seems that he's commuting now about the same time I do, so perhaps I'll see him again soon and catch up some more. It was great to see him again, and recall fond memories.

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