Wednesday, August 20, 2008


As threatened in yesterday's blog post, when my partner arrived at home yesterday, I arrested him. The charges? Being kind, gentle, sweet, and thoughtful. For giving me the very best birthday present I could ever want -- being "biker-napped." For being my soulmate and best friend, for caring, and most of all, for forgiving my faults and weaknesses. Heck, I'm still head over bootheels in love with my guy, 15 years and going strong.

So when he got out of his car, right there in the garage, I read him his rights and gave him no choice but to surrender. He willingly obliged. I had my way with him, and he with me, and we both laughed and had a heck of a lot of fun.

Now don't get me wrong -- the handcuffs didn't come out. I don't get into bondage scenes. But he called me, "Officer, Sir" throughout our playtime and kept asking me if my "baton" were registered with the state. These times of spontaneity don't happen often, as much as perhaps they once did. But when he's "up for it" (which he was!) and I'm relaxed and being playful, we sure can have a great time!

Then he was surprised with a wonderful home-cooked meal, with all of his favorites. A lasanga that I baked fresh, accompanied by a salad fresh from our garden with a dressing that I make and he enjoys. I even made some yeast-raised dinner rolls that take hours, but the time is well invested to see his enjoyment and smile. We finished it off with a home-made lemon meringue pie, which he loves. He made this all possible, with my chef's kitchen and his care in supporting me as I built our house (and turned grey in the process.)

I love my man. I am so blessed.

Life is short! Be joyful, show those you love that you love 'em.

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