Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Best Darn Boot Shop

Stompers Boots of San Francisco is by far the best darn boot shop in the world. While that's the owner's statement, I agree with it. Over the years, I have purchased about 20 pairs of boots from this fine establishment in San Francisco's SOMA district. While I would like to have purchased all of the boots I got from them in person, since I live 3,000 miles away, most of my purchases have been via the phone, the store's website, and email confirmations.

Why, to me, are they the best? And why do I link from dozens of pages on my website, including my home page, to them?

My website is visited by bikers often. Bikers ought to know where to get decent motorcycle boots and stop wearing sneakers and shorts when riding. But I also have these reasons for endorsing Stompers so strongly:

Stompers has a great selection, particularly of biker boots. Dehner, Wesco, and Chippewa boots that they carry have found their way onto my feet, as well as a pair of Sendras, which Stompers carries too. They usually have most everything in stock, or can get it quickly. That isn't true for many other boot merchants.

Stompers is particularly good about working with customer
s on custom orders. Most of my tall biker boots are custom, including most of my Dehners and all of my Wesco engineer and harness boots. Chippewa Boots aren't available in custom sizes, but Stompers knows how to get me fitted correctly in Chips.

Mike, Stompers' Owner, offers great personal customer service. He wants his Bootmen customers to be happy. He ensures that the order is right. He also has a wickedly funny sense of humor, and has been fun to talk to and exchange email with. I am honored to enjoy his friendship, and to have thrown hundreds of referrals his way, knowing that many have resulted in sales.

Stompers' prices are competitive, and there is not a
shipping charge for domestic U.S. orders. I haven't found the quality boots that I have wanted at a lower cost elsewhere. And Stompers is really good about getting custom orders to me as quickly as possible by working with its suppliers. Price-wise, I have saved about 20% off of MSRP when ordering through Stompers rather than from the manufacturer, such as Wesco, directly. The tall brown Wesco Harness Boots custom-made to my size (calf width being the issue) shown to the right were ordered from Wesco through Stompers, among others. I have gotten a lot of compliments on these boots. They look great! I often wear them proudly with jeans or leathers tucked in when I ride my Harley.

Stompers really knows how to display boots well in both excellent photography as well as "bootcam" videos that Mike has made. The boots are not only displayed, but shown on guys wearing them. You can see how a certain pair of boots would look on your own feet through the images and videos offered on the Stompers Boots website.

Update: I was honored to see that, with my permission, Mike has featured one of my photos with my Chippewa Firefighter boots on his website, here and here as well as joining the rotation of photos that appear when the home page is refreshed. Wow! Thanks, Mike!

If you have been thinking about getting some new boots, visit Stompers, either in person or on-line. You will be happy that you did.


  1. Congratulations, BHD! I do remember you posting on your updates page that Stompers wanted to use one of your Chippewa Firefighter boot pics on their website, and up to now I kept looking for the picture in question. Now it's real! I'm very happy for you from one bootman to another!


  2. I'm thinking of getting myself a pair of decent (good) boots when I visit CA later this year. I've checked the Wesco Boss out and it's going to set me back by about USD700.

    You've got any good recommendations, BHD? I am looking for something that is about 18", won't fry my feet and won't burn a hole in my pockets. And non-cowboy. :)

    Thank you very much.


  3. To Bruce_Sg: Thanks for your comment. Too bad you'll be on the other side of the country when you come to the U.S.; I would love to meet you. It's really better that we dialogue by email about boot choices. There's more to be discussed than a simple blog comment. Trust that I will always preserve your privacy. Visit my website www.bootedman.com and click on "write to me" at the bottom of the page. I look forward to hearing from you.


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