Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthday Wishes

I am the most blessed man in the world. While today is my birthday, it's not a milestone, yet it's nice to know that people remember.

Yesterday, I got a huge "shout-out" on an on-line board on which I participate from a number of really great people. It was initiated by a great friend who I met through that board, and who has been very thoughtful and with whom I have enjoyed developing a warm friendship.

But even before that, the morning began with a phone call to my cell, which I missed because I rarely keep that infernal contraption with me. My dear friend "AZ" sang a sweet birthday song to me, which I have saved on my voice mail and have listened to several times. Despite what he says, he has a beautiful voice.

I also got to speak on the phone with my wonderful friend Clay in Calgary, which was terrific. He is such a great guy. We could talk for hours, though he was at work so I couldn't be on the line too long.

Then the family began checking in. I received several calls and many birthday cards from my siblings, nieces, and nephews. Each one had a special sentiment and brought warm thoughts to my mind.

Last night, we had a "snuggle night" where we turned off the TV and computer, and my partner and I turned up the 7.1 surround to listen to some beautiful piano music that I got on a CD from my brother as a birthday gift. The CD was recorded in Rome, but the music was a compilation of various works from classical to jazz. It was great! My partner and I just lay in each other's arms, and I enjoyed a long back scratch. (That's all I ask for my birthday.)

At dawn, my partner and I awoke, and lay peacefully looking out our windows the tall trees in the back yard, marveling at God's handiwork. A bright red cardinal dropped by and said "tweet tweet", which we take as "happy birthday." Then the squirrels did their gymnastics routine. Certainly they would win the gold if they were allowed to compete in the Olympics. Then I enjoyed another long back scratch.... (smile).

As I was preparing breakfast, the doorbell rang... one of the sweet ladies who I look after who lives in the retirement community around the corner from us came over with a cake, and a card signed by some 40 of "my LW crew" -- friends, all, whose lives are intertwined with mine. I had already received more that 50 individual cards in the mail from this gang -- these are the folks to whom I send cards throughout the year. I treasure their warmth and friendship.

It's just gonna be a great day. I can feel it.

Life is short! Wear your boots! Tell those you love that you love 'em, very much. I sure do.

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