Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Leather: Uniforms

Uniforms present a striking and commanding appearance on most men. Worn with breeches and tall boots, the motor officer uniform is one that is more often worn by men who enjoy leather fetish interests. It is common to see men in uniforms at leather events like International Mr. Leather and Mid-Atlantic Leather, among many others.

There are some in the community who work hard to ensure every detail is exactly right, from the type and style of boots to the insignia to the color and style of the cloth, striping, and everything else. Others, like me, just like the boots, breeches, and shirt, and don't go for all the other gear. It's really a matter of personal preference.

The important thing to keep in mind if you are interested in uniforms is: DON'T IMPERSONATE AN OFFICER. I know that sounds contradictory, because you are dressing like one. But don't wear a uniform that represents an agency that serves the same jurisdiction where you may want to wear it. Doing so is illegal. It IS legal to wear a uniform, such as from the California Highway Patrol, outside the State of California. But don't pretend to behave like an officer: it is the actions and behavior that can cause a real cop to perceive you are impersonating an officer, take you in for questioning, and otherwise make life difficult. Don't play such games; it will get you into trouble. Especially these days after Sept. 11, 2001, when there is such heightened awareness of actions by others that can be perceived as a threat to security.

There is a little information about uniforms in my Complete Guide to Leather Gear, but there is much more detail on my page titled, How to Assemble a CHP Uniform which I posted on my website a couple years ago. This page is visited a lot and answers many questions about uniforms. Rather than repeat it here, click on the link to review the content. It covers all the details. Also, check out my genuine CHP uniform that I've had since the early '90s. I wear it often, just around the house. It's very comfortable.

Cops wear uniforms made of cloth... you just won't see a leather uniform anywhere on cops in the United States. The only leather you may see on a cop is a leather jacket, but nowadays, most cops wear hi-tech, reflective jackets and vests instead of a black leather jacket.

Some in the leather fetish community enjoy a uniform made completely of leather. Since the CHP uniform is the most commonly worn uniform in the uniform fetish community, some guys see the pictures of hot models in a full leather CHP uniform and order one. My advice: don't do that. The "silvertan" color of a CHP uniform just looks bad in leather. Plus, light colors accentuate one's worst physical attributes. Even thin guys look fat; bearish men look awful. And in a dark bar, a CHP leather uniform stands out like a neon sign. IF you want a leather uniform, get one
in a dark color. Dark colors are more slimming, or at least don't make you look larger than you are.

I have a dark full leather uniform, which I put together in 2007 with the help of 665Leather of West Hollywood, California. I truly enjoy my LAPD Leather Uniform for its style, fit, and comfort. I wear the breeches very often while riding my Harley, and the shirt that goes with it from time to time as well. And as I said in previous posts, the only way to go is custom if you want to have a leather uniform. It needs to fit you right, so it will look good, and you will have the commanding appearance you desire.

Life is short! Wear your leather! Enjoy...

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