Monday, September 22, 2008

Real Bikers Wear Boots! (Redux)

Man, there have been a huge number of "lookey-loos" from all over the world (and from my home town, too) who have visited the page on my website offering the "Real Bikers Wear Boots" bumper sticker. Since the announcement went up on my website, as well as on my friend Larry Kenney's "" website, over 2,000 unique visitors have come to check it out.

My stats (as of 22 Sept at 8:00am ET), however, show that only 16 of those visitors actually clicked on the "buy now" button, five canceled a sale-in-progress, and only one purchased, by a guy in Spain.

It's amazing how guys who are into boots will pay hundreds of dollars on a new pair of boots, but won't buy a bumper sticker. NCBootdude can't seem to sell many of his t-shirts, either. (Info shared by a mutual friend.) I am selling my bumper stickers to cover expenses, and make a donation of income over expenses to a police-related charity. My income
over expenses is less than US$1 on each bumper sticker.

I sold six of the bumper stickers to bike cops on Saturday. They thought it was a great idea, and plan to put the bumper sticker on their personal motorcycles, as I have done on my own.

Oh well, live and learn. I still firmly believe that if you want to be a real biker, you gotta wear boots. Guys who ride in shorts, sneakers, sandals, or flip-flops aren't bikers.

You don't have to apply the sticker to a vehicle ... you can display it in a window, on a leather vest, on a briefcase, ... lots of places.

I'll keep the bumper sticker sales floor open for a while ... come and get one!

Real Bikers Wear Boots

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