Monday, October 13, 2008

Back from Da Burgh!

All was okay on our whirlwind trip to Pittsburgh to "redd up" my mother-in-law's place for winter. The weather was spectacular. My partner shot me a look of "I'll figure out a way to make this up" every time I'd hear a Harley rumble off in the distance and I would give a little whimper. Man, what a great weekend -- on which to have been out riding! Uggghhh... what one does for love.

I replaced the trim on some windows and two doors. This took some rather intricate work to custom-fit new wood to old settings. I enjoy doing complex carpentry work, and I must say it turned out really well. My partner painted everything to withstand the weather and look new again. I also did a number of little odd-jobs that just needed to be done. The house, yard, and gardens look much better. My Chippewa Engineer Boots look, well, like they did some work!

After working outside, I turned to working inside, and multi-tasked. While I was preparing our evening meals, I also did some electrical repairs, too. I prefer to do the cooking, because I have a really restricted diet, so it's best if I do the cooking because I know what's in it.

When dinner was done, I was confined to watching DVDs that my partner arranges to be sent to his mother to keep her entertained. I was bored out of my mind, but that's just how things are. I can't go out (my M-I-L just wouldn't understand and my partner doesn't like going out any more at all). I did not have internet access, since my M-I-L doesn't have it and I'm too cheap to pay for an air card. There's nothing else to do but go into a semi-comatose state listening to blather on the TV (or from a movie) until it's time to go to bed, then lather, rinse, and repeat.

I must say, though, that this was about the best visit with my M-I-L. She was complimentary, appreciative, and said thanks at least a dozen times. Believe me, that hasn't happened before (or as much.) She actually hugged me each evening and each morning, and was genuinely pleased with the work that I had done around the house. It's nice to be appreciated and -- finally -- recognized for being more than some guy who lives with her son.

The fall splendor was gorgeous on the way up bear and back as we drove over some mountainous areas, but it wasn't quite "peak" yet in Pittsburgh. Looking at the trees helped time go by on the otherwise boring drive. I really detest being confined in a cage, and just don't like to drive. My partner did all the driving, bless him.

Anyway, I'm home now, and am catching up on everything -- email, blogging, regular mail, neighbors, community activities, etc., etc. Return to work tomorrow, then a public hearing tomorrow night. Everything will be back to normal!

Life is short: wear your boots!

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