Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday: ab ovo usque ad mala

I've briefly mentioned my family in past blog posts, and today I'll explain a little more. I'm the 14th of 15 kids; one mother, one father -- very prolific gift of children. 12 of us are "Christmas Presents" since our birthdays are all from mid-August to mid-September. You can do the math (giggle).

Our parents loved us deeply, as we loved them. We had a wonderful upbringing, filled with love, family, good times, and great experiences. We got to see each and every state in our country from early-on. We were introduced to some very powerful people that my parents worked for or knew. I know I was very fortunate, as I read from others who explain that their family upbringings weren't nearly as nice.

Both of my parents have died. Dad in the '70s and Mom in 1998. But one thing they instilled deeply in us was a commitment to family. I observed how very close my father was to his huge family (actually larger than ours!), and I got to know that hundreds of people were actually related to me! I've got zillions of cousins with whom I remain in close contact.

As much as the kids ("us sibs") may squabble sometimes, I affirm that blood is thicker than water. As some of my sisters- or brothers-in-law have made some comments over the years about my being gay and having a partner with whom I remain deeply in love -- my blood siblings, regardless of their own personal opinion, always rise to my defense. Love prevails. Specifically, one sister "championed my cause" to help my mother grow to understand that I was gay, what it meant, and to accept my partner. Mom did that, and in the last year of her life, their bond was wonderful to observe building at each visit.

In memory of our parents and continuing through our devotion to each other, my siblings and I plan on "Friday Night Family Dinners." These are (usually) casual affairs, hosted by one of the members of the family in their home, where we eat, talk, laugh, discuss everything under the sun, and continue our bonding. Not just my siblings, but their children, children's children, spouses, and occasionally some of our cousins and close family friends. Not all of my siblings live in the area, but those of us who do usually make plans to participate in this Friday night ritual.

Tonight will be an especially fun night, as we're going back to our family's Italian roots, and having a meal ab ovo usque ad mala which in the Latin means "from eggs to apples" which was the traditional appetizers to dessert. We're doin' the same. Should be a lot of fun.

My sister the wine connoisseur will have various selections available. For me, I'll have my water or ginger ale. Wish I could drink wine, but even a small amount makes me gravely sick. We will laugh, we will talk (sometimes too loudly), we will talk politics as we all plan to vote in the upcoming election, but most of all, we will actively display our love. What could be better?

Life is short: show those you love that you love them, each and every day.

PS: And it's leather weather! Sheesh it's gotten colder. Bet your sweet bippy that I'll be in leather and boots tonight!

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