Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lazy Bums

When I was growing up, if I happened to have a rare day to sleep later than my Mom, she would call me a "lazy bum" when I awoke. It was always used as a light-hearted expression, not meant to express anger or that she was upset. Usually, I was awake hours before others.

To this day, I rise well before dawn during the week, and usually my partner and I rise at dawn (or by 6:30am) on weekends. And we are usually in bed by 9:00pm, as we were last night. We both were just beat after a long week.

Today, Saturday, it was rainy and dark as dawn broke. My partner and I got up to use the bathroom. But it was cold and still dark. We crawled back into bed. We intended to snuggle for a little while, then get up and go about our day.

Well, um... we fell back asleep, nestled in each other's arms, all warm and cozy. When we finally awoke, it was after 9:00am! Oh-my-gosh... I haven't slept 12 hours in ... I can't remember when.

We showered and dressed (me in a pair of leather jeans and boots, naturally). We went to visit a dear old friend. A mentor, of sorts, who looked after me 30 years ago when I had begun service on a Board of Directors of a major local non-profit organization, and with whom I have remained close. My partner adores her. The two of them just gabbed away. My partner generally detests social situations and talking with anyone. But it was a pleasure to watch him interact in such an animated way with one of my oldest friends.

Well, that's been our day... being lazy bums and giving attention to someone we admire and love. I'm sure we will make up for it tomorrow when the rain has stopped, leaves will need to be raked, the lawn will require a trim, I'll need to take my aunt and some of her friends grocery shopping, and lots of other stuff. But taking time to rest (thoroughly) and spend quality time with a dear old friend was important too.

As I often say: Life is short -- show those you love that you love them.

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