Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wearing Leather in Public

I continue to be asked from time to time, or read comments on various boot- or leather-oriented websites that there are some people who wonder about wearing leather (or just boots) in public.

I differentiate between leather gear that is purely fetish-oriented and leather gear that has an ongoing functional purpose. That is, leather gear such as leather pants with a codpiece, a harness, leather jock, or full leather cop uniform is purely fetish wear. "Functional leather," as I call it, are leather garments made for purposes such as for providing protection while riding a motorcycle, as well as for general fashion. Items such as a leather blazer, bomber jacket or coat, and leather pants fit the bill.

I have a lot of leather gear that I have acquired over time that fits the "functional" category. I wear this gear regularly in fall, winter, and spring. Sure, I'm an avid motorcyclist so I have an ongoing "excuse" to wear and be seen in leather. But I don't ride in the rain, or when there is snow and ice on the ground. Even in those months when I'm confined to using my truck to get me from place to place, I still choose to wear leather pants, jeans, shirts, vests, and jackets.

I explained in my posting titled, Who Am I In Leather and Boots? about why and how I wear functional leather around my community -- to meetings, visits with family and friends, or while out and about running errands and such. It's no big deal. But to summarize, as far as I am concerned, wearing leather in public is not a problem for me because everyone who knows me knows that wearing boots and leather is my "signature" in casual and informal settings.

I don't wear leather all the time. There are places I go and things that I do where wearing leather is not appropriate. For example, the "business casual" dress code at work is not so "casual" as to accept me wearing leather jeans. At church, I might wear a leather blazer and nice looking cowboy boots with a pair of (cloth) slacks. (My partner is always in a suit, but that's who he is.) If I am testifying before a county board or council, I may even wear a shirt and tie with slacks (and dress cowboy boots). It really varies. All guys change what they wear depending on what they're doing and where they are going. Leather is just a part of my wardrobe, not the entire thing.

If you are hesitant about wearing leather in public, keep these things in mind:
  • Your self-conscious feelings are more of your own thoughts than anyone else's. Most people really don't care. Seriously.
  • Think if your hesitation to wear leather in public is out of concern about how you perceive yourself and the image you portray to others. If your image-as-perceived-by-others is that important to you, then dress the part and forget wearing leather.
  • If it is not common for you to be seen in leather, then someone may say something. If they do, what can help turn the situation around is to be prepared with a response:
    • Your primary response should be non-verbal.
      • Smile!
      • Stand up straight
      • Give a clear indication that you are pleased to be wearing leather.
    • Consider saying something like one of these comments:
      • Like the jeans? I think they're cool!
      • My wife (or partner) gave them (pointing to the leather item) to me for my birthday. Doesn't s/he have great taste?
      • I like how this vest looks with this shirt!
      • I haven't been more comfortable in my life in a pair of jeans.
      • I thought these leather pants were stylish. They look great, and feel even better!
      • Thanks for noticing! Isn't it (pointing to the leather garment you have on) nice looking?
      • Grrrr... those hoodlums might run in fear now when they see me (giving an evil grimace, of course, all in jest).
      • Just wait until you see the Harley I've picked out at the dealership!
By expressing delight and pleasure in your gear, you will both improve your own self-confidence, as well as invite anyone asking about it to share your joy. If they see you as being really happy and comfortable in your gear, expressing confidence and style, they will either join you and give a compliment, or at worst, just remain quiet.

In summary, these are the tricks to wearing leather gear in public:
  • Get quality, good-fitting gear. (Read my Guide to Leather Gear for info about why this is so important.) Cheap gear from websites that cater to straight bikers looks crappy and hangs funny on everyone except the model wearing it (and for whom I betcha it was tailored).
  • Choose when it is appropriate to wear leather, but choose to wear it more than once a year or on Halloween.
  • Express pride, confidence, and happiness while wearing it. Smile, stand up straight, and look like you enjoy it.
  • If it is not common for you to be seen in public in leather and someone says something, smile back, and point out what you are enjoying about it, and invite them to share your joy.
It really is that easy, and isn't as hard as some may think. It begins by looking inward, and losing the fear of worrying about what others think.

Life is too short to be worrying about what others think. Wear your boots and leather!

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