Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's That Time of Year Again

Once a year, it seems that the leaves on our trees fall all at once. My partner and I spent the afternoon taking care of the annual fall chore of raking leaves. It really isn't that much, since 90% of our property is wooded and we just leaf them alone in the forest. (groan...)

But on the front and side lawns, rake we must. Blow, blow, and blow, then mow one last time. Put the leaves and grass trimmings in our compost pile. We're done. Tired, a bit sore, but done. And great weather for it, too! It was 65°F (18°C) most of the afternoon, though cloudy.

I just love to jump into a pile of leaves... and my partner indulges my childhood memories by laughing at my silliness, and taking a photo.

Life is short: wear your boots! (and have fun!)

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