Sunday, November 2, 2008

Spotted In Leather In Public

I had a busy day today. After a nice morning snuggle with my partner and reading the Sunday paper together in bed, I prepared home-made Cialda (Italian waffles) for my partner. I then headed over to my aunt's home to take care of a bunch of things, get some groceries, and some other chores.

At noon, I facilitated in a political forum, where some politically active friends of mine and I educated about 50 attendees about the lower tiers of the ballot. Positions for the Board of Education and questions brought to referendum are often overlooked when all the talk and focus is on the top of the ticket. I continue to urge and persuade people to cast an educated vote, and vote the entire ballot.

What did I wear? An open-collar dress shirt and my side-laced leather jeans over my Chippewa Hi-Shine Engineer Boots. Why? Well, these jeans and boots are very comfortable, and look good. That's all. I just like them. Nobody said a thing -- and most attendees in this forum were seniors.

After that, I headed over to an electronics retailer that had a product that I wanted to get for my partner for his birthday next week. (I can't say much more in case he reads my blog!)

While in the store, a nice-looking guy with a goatee and great smile walked up to me and said, "you look familiar... are you Booted Harleydude?" He looked down at my boots and leather jeans, then into my eyes and said, "you gotta be!"

"Yep, that's me!" I said as I reached out to shake his hand and give him a big smile in return. Turns out that I met a loyal reader of this blog and a fan of my website. He's a biker and told me that he has used my website to decide on a purchase of a new pair of boots to use when riding. He followed my website's link to Stompers Boots and bought himself a pair of Chippewa Firefighter Boots which I have raved about since I got mine last year.

It's nice to meet someone locally who has read my blog, and who has found my website helpful. He's a nice guy. I'm glad to have met you, M, and look forward to keeping in touch. Thanks for coming up to me to say "hi" and taking some time for a chat. Also, thanks for your confirmation that my choice at the store was a good one.

Life is short: wear your boots and leather! And don't forget, if you are a U.S. citizen, be sure to vote by Nov. 4 if you haven't already! The image below is pertinent.

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