Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year (almost!) This is a time when you hear about people making "new year's resolutions." I don't do that -- I observe how hypocritical such "resolutions" are. You make them, then a few days later, they're forgotten.

What I resolve to do in 2009 is to continue to do what I have been doing, which includes, but is not limited to:
  • Continuing to care for family and friends, and take steps to help make things better for them, in whatever ways that I can.
  • Remaining happy, joyful, and up-beat.
  • I have so much to be thankful for, I resolve to continue to display and share my thanks.
  • Smiling at total strangers! (and friends, and family, and anyone else!)
  • Enjoying life's surprises, and making lemonade when life serves you lemons.
  • Sharing knowledge, information, and ideas with others when requested, but not offered unsolicited.
  • Taking time to have fun! Ride my Harley with the group that I ride with, share walks with my next-door-neighbor, play Bocci con i ragazzi, update my website, maintain the properties that I own, build stuff -- including a gazebo in our back yard park. (Yeah, this IS fun for me!)
  • Remaining passionate about my community service, and bringing about thoughtful resolution to challenges we face in our neighborhood, community, county, state, and country to the degree that I can.
  • Loving and caring for my partner: my love-of-my-life, my best friend in the whole world, my lover, my joy, my hunkadorabilious, my one-and-only.
  • Showing those that I love that I love them, each and every day.
Tonight, as I celebrate New Year's Eve for the 23rd time with a very close friend, his wife, his family and extended network of friends, I will carry through on these "life resolutions." And I'll be wearing leather and boots, too!

Happy New Year! See 'ya next year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, mate! It is already New Year 2009 here in Melbourne, Australia. You have been a great friend in answering all of my questions and sharing your knowledge. Thanks for all of your help.

    Extend our best wishes to your gorgeous hunk of man, too!

    We miss seeing you guys. Come back any time. We're keeping an eye on your house here. It would look better with you guys in it.

    Mike and Tony


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