Friday, January 2, 2009

95 Years Young

On Monday, December 29, a friend called to say that a gentleman who lives in the retirement community nearby was celebrating his 95th birthday, and had always wanted to go for a ride on a Harley with a "biker dude." She wondered if I could fulfill his birthday wish.

Granted! The weather cooperated. It was chilly, but not unreasonably cold. I wore full leather (breeches, tall boots, leather shirt and jacket.) I showed up at his place at 11:30. His two sons and a grandson lifted him gently onto the back of my throbbing machine. He was wrapped up warmly in a parka and longjohns. We gave him a pair of warm gloves and a fitted him with a full-face helmet. Off we went!

I took him for a ride on the 3-mile circumference road around the community. He laughed out loud all the way. What sheer joy!

When we arrived at the restaurant where he was to celebrate his birthday lunch, a huge crowd was there to greet us. His family lifted him gently off my bike, and he had the biggest smile on his face as his helmet was removed. I'll never forget the look on his face -- and on mine -- as I was in the very fortunate position to bring joy to this nice man, his family and friends, and to show that us "big bad booted leathered Harley-riding bikers" can be gentle souls, as well.

Life is short: show those you care about that you care, and bring smiles to all around.


  1. That's a great story!

  2. What a wonderful thing to do! I was touched by your story.


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