Friday, January 16, 2009

Heavy Leather

I'm sure this title will undoubtedly grab attention from the leather community -- those from around the world who visit this blog, and locally around DC who are arriving for Mid-Atlantic Leather. I thought I would post a pic of me in my warmest motorcycle jacket. This Taylor's Leatherwear Jacket is made of thick cowhide leather (9-10oz), and has a Thinsulate® lining. I definitely require a thick lining with temperatures in the single digits this morning!

This jacket is a traditional motor officer style, and even has a badge holder on the left front. It has great maneuverability when I wear it while riding my Harley. But not in these frigid temps! The bike is warm and toasty in the garage -- and like me, is longing for Spring. (Or at least a day above 40°F [4°C]!)

Also shown are my oldest pair of thick leather breeches, which are fitting me again now that I've continued to lose weight from eating light meals with smaller portions, giving up those Cokes (ooops, slipped at a meeting the other day, but otherwise, I'm drinking water), and swimming weekends at the University.

This photo is actually one of the first that I posted on my website when I first created it, back in 2005 before having on its own domain.

I'll be wearing the red-striped leather breeches and this Taylor's jacket with a newer pair of lug-soled Chippewa Hi-Shine boots to the Hotboots party at the Green Lantern on Saturday afternoon (that is, public transit and weather permitting and provided my ever-antisocial partner still wants to go.) But as I've said before, this is the only MAL Weekend event we are going to. Honestly, leather fetish events don't interest me any more. Been there, done that, got the t-shirts and the boots shined. So many once-a-year leather queens ... well, basta. After that, my hunky partner and I will come home and snuggle in our leathers and boots.

Before closing, let me give a special shout-out to a buddy who is celebrating his half-centennial today! Happy Birthday, Robert! May you have a wonderful day, and for those of us who read your blog, we'll love you with all our hearts.

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