Saturday, January 17, 2009

Leather Weekend!

BHDIt's time for Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend in Washington, DC! Get out your gear, condition it, shine your boots, and come on out! Don't forget to check the weather and crowd forecasts! (link). MAL is reported to be the second-largest leather fetish event in the United States, after "International Mr. Leather" (IML) in Chicago. We attended IML in May 2007 -- and once was enough. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the boots shined.

I used to, once upon a time, look forward to this weekend to hang out with other guys in leather. Now that I've been essentially married for more than 15 years, going to fetish events is not something that my partner and I are interested in doing any more.

However, we do plan to go to the Hotboots party today at the Green Lantern, then head home.

I'm sure the guys attending MAL are finding their leathers useful and practical, 'cause it sure has been darned cold! In fact, in honor of this "Leather Weekend," (and just 'cause I like to wear leather regularly), I'll be "BLUFfed" up. (For those not familiar, BLUF means "Breeches, Leather, Uniform Fetish"). I will be wearing my leathers all weekend as I go about doing things at home with my hunky partner, and being involved on Monday on a day of community service in honor of Martin Luther King's legacy.

Life is short: Wear your leather!

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