Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lightening the Load

Upon return from my recent business trip, my cold wasn't any better. I walked in my door this morning at 12:45am. My partner was waiting up for me. He took my bag, walked me up the stairs, and tucked me into bed.

About 8:00am, he came to me because he heard me coughing. He brought me some cold medicine. He had a pad and pen in his hand. He said, "you always have things planned for the weekend. What do you have to do, and how can I help you lighten the load?"

What a treasure I have in my man. He knows me. He can read me like a book. He definitely can read my mind.

His concern was that I am not over my cold yet, and I have to take a day completely "off." I had to stay home, rest, and not run myself ragged in doing the things that I do, and also not expose myself to wet and cold weather which could prolong my illness.

I rattled off my list of "gotta do's." He took notes. He called a few people and put some things in motion. That's a big deal -- my partner detests the phone, but if it will ease my load.... He took my aunt to the grocery store, which is something he really doesn't like to do, but if it will ease my load....

My cop tenant took an elderly friend to a doctor's appointment, where someone strong had to be able to help by lifting my friend into and out of a vehicle, and provide physical assistance in getting to the specialist's hard-to-reach location. He had planned to do something else, but if it will ease my load....

My sister came over to drop off some (more) chicken soup, and pick up some maps on which I had made painstaking notations. She brought them over to the guy who I am mentoring to take over my position in 2010 so he can "lead the charge" on a current development project discussion that was to be held this afternoon. My sister had planned to spend time with her daughter, but if it will ease my load....

When my partner returned, he made me lunch, and then suggested I relax in our basement. He set up the CD player to play lots of my old favorites, from The Eagles to REO Speedwagon to Steve Wariner to Linda Ronstadt to Anne Murray and more. He turned the lights down low, and got out the afghan that my Mom spent a year making for me, and covered me with it.

I heard the doorbell ring a few times. Some of my "elder buds" brought over a casserole for dinner, plus some treats including cookies and nutless brownies. This was their way to show that they care, and lighten my load a bit -- as otherwise, I would fret about preparing dinner.

I could hear water running now-and-then. When I went upstairs later, I saw that my partner had unloaded my luggage, washed all of my clothes, and put everything away.

I have often said, "show those you love that you love them," and also, "love is something that you get more of the more you give it away."

I am humbled and very appreciative. I love my friends, my family, and most of all, my man. He shows his love each and every moment of every day. I am so blessed. My load is lightened. I am feeling better -- if perhaps not from the cold symptoms, at least from being relieved of some duties that I wasn't really up to doing.

1 comment:

  1. There, one good turn deserves another. That is good karma coming back.

    Hope you are better now. I'm adding you to my blog list when I revamp the list.



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