Monday, January 12, 2009

Return T'werk

I took another day off on Sunday ... almost. I began the day with a warm snuggle with my hunky partner, and thanked him again for everything he did to make me feel comfortable on Saturday. I got dressed, and because it was cold, I wore full leather -- leather jeans, long-sleeved shirt, and Chippewa Hi-Shine boots. Just because I felt like it.

I prepared a great home-made waffle breakfast with all the trimmings for my wonderful man. I still wasn't very hungry, so I just had some orange juice and a little bit of waffle.

After breakfast, I headed over to my aunt's home to pay some bills for her. She asked me to take her to the Italian store to get some canoli that she wanted on a whim. I really didn't want her to sit in the truck with me while I am still coughing and sneezing, and I didn't really feel up to driving 10 miles just for some canoli. I told her that I would make her some home-made canoli later this week, and she said that she could wait.

I then did our weekly grocery shopping with my partner. My partner suggested that we ask the store's bakery specialist for some canoli, and I was pleased that she was able to make some for us on-demand. Saved me a lot of time and trouble, though I would have been happy to do that when I was feeling better.

After dropping the canoli off to my aunt and enjoying making her happy and bringing a smile to her face, we came back home. We unloaded our stuff, and I prepared a light lunch for my partner. I still wasn't hungry, so I had some juice.

After that, I piddled around. I began doing tax work, sending out 1099-MISC forms to private contractors who have done work for various organizations and companies for which I am responsible. I visited a neighbor's home who is the Treasurer of our homeowner's association, but other than that, remained inside the rest of the day.

While I was "piddling," I made some yeast-raised focaccia. After it raised naturally for a couple hours, we applied toppings onto it and baked it. My partner loves his covered with all sorts of fresh veggies. I like mine with just a little cheese, and that's it. After it's baked in our very hot bread oven, it comes out crispy, much like a pizza, but without the oil and fat. It made a great dinner. We accompanied it with a small green salad. Nice, light meal, and I was finally hungry enough to eat.

Oh, and did I say that I went to my aunt's, the grocery store, and my neighbor's dressed in full leather and tall boots? Do you think anyone said anything? Nope, not a word. Honestly, nobody really cares. One clerk at the store who knows that I ride a Harley asked me if I were riding today, and when I said that it was too cold, she just said, "okay." ... well, anyway, it's common for me to go around in full leather, and not hear anyone say anything about what I'm wearing.

I return to work today... I think I'll be up to it. My cold is pretty much gone.

Life is short: wear your boots and leather!


  1. Hey Bud,

    Moo.... That's a lot of leather.

    Good to read that you are feeling better. I guess TLC does make the cold go away.

    By the way, how does one tackle the hard canoli in the middle after the creamy ends are gone? That was my big big question at Little Italy in NYC when I was stuck with the hard, dry centre of the canoli. Is there some secret that I missed? =)

    I'll want that focaccia recipe soon. I bake a lot too (another thing we share) and I'd love to make a killer focaccia.


  2. If canoli is hard in the middle, then it's not fresh. Only buy canoli when you can watch them fill it in front of you, or you know for certain that it was filled within the last hour or so. Otherwise, it gets stale rather quickly. Sometimes it hardens, but most of the time, it gets mushy. Best to eat it right after it is filled.

    Focaccia recipe will be posted by our chef, Guido, on his website soon. Thanks for asking!


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