Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What You Like

Every website has logs that give the webmaster, or owner, of the website an idea of what pages on his website are most frequently visited. I find it fascinating, but not surprising, to check these logs and see what's interesting to the visitors of my website besides my boots and leather gear.

The "top three" sections of my website that, within the last 30 days or so, have been most viewed are, as follows:

1. My "eighth brother's" page, AZ LeatherExplorer. Yeah, he's gorgeous, but what's even better than his handsome exterior is his wonderful warm heart, terrific personality, intelligence, and value-driven integrity. No drama queen ego to be found in this man, whatsoever. I am so honored and proud to have him as an integral part of my life, as a friend so close I call him my eighth brother. (And a note to quality, down-to-earth guys: "AZ" is single. Visit his "write to AZ" page on my website and drop him a note!) Since I made a link to his page direct from the home page of my website, his page is frequently visited.

2. How To Wear Cowboy Boots. It's amazing
to me how many people put these words into a search engine, or similar phrases like "stacked jeans" or "best jeans with boots" and land on this page, thanks to Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. Sure, it doesn't hurt either than this page features a few images of that hot man, DaveM, whose display of "cowboy booted-ness" is the epitomy of style, class, and charm. I sincerely appreciate that Dave gave me permission to use his photos and also gave me comments which improved the content of this page.

3. Motor officers, cop boots, motorcycle police -- phrases of that nature drive many visitors to two key pages on my website: my Guide to Police Motorcycle Patrol Boots, which gives an unbiased overview of those tall black boots found on many bike cops in the U.S. The second and equally as visited related page on my website is my photo galleries of motor officer events which includes bike cops in action at motorcycle rodeos as well as close-up photos of cop boots.
Lately, I have received an unusual number of email messages complimenting me and thanking me for the information on my website. The messages have described how my website has been helpful to these visitors, ranging from guys just getting into leather and who were seeking information, to guys looking for a specific product, to men and women interested in opinions about different types of boots, or visitors who like the over 5,000 images on my website. And yeah, I even have gotten the occasional visitor who think that my website is a storefront, and wanted to know the price of this-or-that item. LOL!

Whatever the reason for visiting my website (or this blog), thanks for writing, thanks for visiting, and I'm glad you enjoy! My website and this blog have been fun to work on -- I just wish I had more time!

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