Friday, February 6, 2009

An Emotional Week Ends On A High Note

Real quick, added blog post: I had a rough week in saying goodbye after the death of a friend who I helped to get elected to assume the office that his wife, who was my mentor and very close friend, held for 17 years until her death this past February.

Upon return to work today, I was informed that I was selected for a position for which I had applied at my current employer. This is a big promotion for me! I won out over several other outstanding candidates.

Like Sally Field said long ago: "They like me. They really like me!"

Whoo-hoo! A celebration will occur in our household this weekend!

This is how I feel! (click here!)


  1. Brings to my mind another song:

    "Nothing comes from nothing
    Nothing ever should
    So, somewhere in (your) youth or childhood,
    You must have done something good!"
    - Something Good, The Sound of Music (by Julie Andrew's character, Maria)

    Congratulations, big boy. I'm sure you must be the shoo-in! :)

  2. Congrats on the new position--I'm sure you'll do them proud!

  3. You are very deserving of this position. I think in times of sadness and frustrating, its so much more important to hold on to the positive stuff like this.

    Congratulations to ya.

  4. Hey, twin brother! What a great way to end a rotten week.

    You inspire me, because you rise like the Phoenix in the midst of adversity. After all that crap you went through with your old employer, you deserve to be working with a company that respects the quality you bring to what you do. I am so very proud of you!


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