Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Family and Friends

Family and friends: this is what it's all about. This is an additional blog post for today, to say that I feel so blessed to have friends who care, and family who wrap their arms around their little brother and go out of their way to extend their love.

My twin called me the other day as I was in a melancholy mood, reflecting on the life of a friend who just died. His call lifted my spirits a whole lot. He always knows just the right things to say, and really be my soulmate in spirit.

My partner has been calm, soothing, caring, and a great sounding board. Lots of things are happening right now, and he just sits, listens, and only offers advice if I ask. If I don't ask, he just lets me rant, ramble, and recompose. He knows when to speak and when not to speak -- which is quite an art in dealing with me when I'm an emotional wreck.

A buddy from Alabama reached out to me and shared some thoughts and feelings which helped me understand that he truly knows how I am feeling. His outreach to me when he realized I was down was so much appreciated. He is a wonderful, thoughtful guy.

Early this morning, my best friend AZ called me. What a treasure he is to my soul. He restored my flagging confidence and got me back on track. This man is such a warm spirit, thoughtful and caring.

Today a friend who I worked with on several local political campaigns came to get me, drive us to the church, and sit by my side at the funeral. Frequently she just would hold my hand, and say things to help me deal with my emotions. She's such a wonderful human being. I'm so glad I have gotten to know her.

As I was speaking in the church with several elected officials as we were leaving, I saw my sister in the back. She came to be there just for "me." I wish she would have come to sit with me, but I guess by the time she got there, the pews had filled. I was right behind the pew with all of our local elected leaders, and sitting among those who are treasured friends of the deceased's family, right up front. My big sister told me that she didn't want "intrude" and could see that I was in "good hands." Frankly, that's when I "lost it." But only then.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them, and love 'em back. Hard! I love life, even at sad occasions such as this, because as the priest said during his homily, you can't mourn unless you love. You know, it doesn't matter if I'm gay. It doesn't matter if I am a bit out of the mainstream in how I choose to dress or what I wear on my feet. What matters to the important people in my life is me -- just silly ol' me. I am indeed truly blessed.

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