Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Leather Up!

Isn't my partner a hunk? I always feel that way, but I'm biased.

I was rooting through my leather gear closet on Monday morning, looking for a pair of naked leather (unlined) jeans. I put on the pair that I pulled out first. I discovered that these jeans weren't fitting, and I was wondering why. I just wore them last week! When I looked more closely, I found the jeans that I pulled out were about 20 years old and smaller in the waist than I ordinarily wear. I have a newer pair of naked leather jeans that fit me better. Those were the jeans I had on last week.

I brought the older jeans to my partner and asked if he would try them on. The jeans fit him well! No surprise; he always wears leather well.

Here's a picture of the two of us that was taken with the camera's self-timer on Monday morning. We stayed in our leather all day.

During the day, my partner went to a store that specializes in produce to get some fresh fruit. He said that one guy asked him about the jeans. His reply was, "I don't know where they came from. My partner gave them to me." (They were bought at Mr. S in San Francisco back when Mr. S had affordable leather gear.)

When my partner left to go to the store, I went to the homes of three "elder buds" to compute tax returns for them. After that, I took one of them to a grocery store. No one said anything about the leather. They rarely do.

Anyway, we had a "leather Monday" for our President's Day Holiday. Nice way to spend the day!

Life is short: wear your boots and your leather!

1 comment:

  1. Woof! Your partner is indeed very sexy. You make a great couple.


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