Monday, February 23, 2009

Thanks to My Best Friend

I am the most blessed man in the world. I was so happy to have taken an extended weekend to visit my best friend, "AZ", in his home state of Arizona. I have very fond memories of a great trip. (Check out the photo gallery on my website.)

AZ is so thoughtful, kind and considerate. He has a legend on his car's license plate that reads, "Live the Golden Rule." That is so especially fitting for this man, who does that by all of his actions.

I was able to have a glimpse into his life and meet some of his friends over the last several days. He has a wide circle of people who adore him -- and also, more importantly, who respect him. He is funny, and people enjoy his witty humor. He is smart, and people look to him for guidance and advice. He is gentle, so those who need a shoulder or helping hand certainly have one. He is knowledgeable about physical training, so he can help you with your sacroiliac. He has a heart of gold, and a passion for carrying out God's good deeds each and every day, and those in his Church support him in doing that.

I have a wide circle of my own. I care for them and they care for me. My Number One remains my loving partner, who is my rock and my foundation. I wish he would have been able to come with me on this trip, but he is unable to travel by air. We talked alot about this trip for months before I left home. I keep no secrets from my man. He trusts in knowing that I am a man of my word and commitment, so going off to Arizona to rent a Harley and spend several days with AZ wasn't a problem with him, though I know he misses me as I miss him.

I think because both AZ and I lead lives in caring for others, and being cared for by our respective wide circles, is why we have bonded so tightly. Our hearts have much in common -- we share mutual respect and concern for the well-being of others. We see something that needs to be done, and we do it. We see someone who needs help, and we help. We see a wayward grocery cart abandoned in the handicapped parking space, and we roll it back to the store. Whatever we do, we seem to act and behave the same way. (Except for our approach to cell phones, but that's a different story.)

If I have one regret about this trip, it's that the third member of our booted brotherhood, Clay, couldn't join us. He was planning on being with us, but unfortunately he couldn't make it. We hope some time in the future we will all be together. Clay, if you're reading this, please know that AZ and I understand, and while we missed you, we talked about you a lot! (LOL!) We always hold you close in our hearts. It was great talking to you last night.

Mere words are insufficient to express my gratitude for AZ's love and friendship; for being such a wonderful host during my visit; for his passion, zeal, and zest for life; for his smile; and most of all, for being my eighth brother. (If Mom had another son, he would be AZ!)

Life is short: count your blessings and show those you love that you love them!

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