Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Brother's Love

Guest Blog from BHD's twin brother

I spent a great Easter weekend with that big lovable non-wuss of a brother of mine. Then I attended a series of meetings in Washington for work. I will soon return to Europe where I work and live with my wife.

What my brother's blog readers do not see is how hard my brother works to care for the world. I've said this before, but every time I see it, I remain in awe. Yes, I caught him in a moment of quiet reflection in his back yard on Saturday morning, but it was a rare time when he was caught sitting still. This guy NEVER sits still.

I have not observed anyone who can renovate a house to make affordable housing available to those who work in the public sector while almost simultaneously taking old ladies to the grocery store, help some other seniors compute and send in their quarterly income tax payments, patiently explain to our elderly aunt one more time that her bills are all paid, converse on the phone about shenanigans in local politics, yet ... remain calm, reserved, and still have that silly grin on his face.

He is always smiling. Mom always told us that if we scowled long enough that it might remain stuck on our face, so he does the opposite. What a warm feeling I have every time I look at that big, broad, smile on his face. He makes me smile, too.

The little things he does which he nonchalantly says "aren't a big deal" ARE a big deal. He knows that I have a secret weakness for marshmallow "peeps" -- those little sugary Easter treats. I found a peep on my pillow each night (and a whole box of them in my luggage)! I caught him signing and sending birthday cards to several of his friends. He cheats -- he buys the cards all at once and puts them in a card organizer, carefully filed by date. But even to think of doing that is an amazing feat, much less carry it out.

I honestly don't know how he does it all. He tells me that he paces himself. I see that. He's up well before dawn, but don't plan anything that goes on past 8 or 9 at night; he just fades out. It was funny last Friday night when he did just that -- propped up on a pillow on our sister's sofa, he was out like a light while everyone else was still loudly chattering away.

It is also evident to me just how deeply he loves his partner. Sure, our siblings are devoted to their spouses, and have remained so over many years. My brother's devotion, concern, and care for his partner remains as strong as ever, and it's a great thing to see. He has set the standard that I follow in my relationship with my wife of 20 months (today is our 20-monthiversary!)

I love this big lug of a guy, and thank him for his hospitality, as always. I admire the love he extends to me and to all others for whom he cares. As he says, "life is short! show those you love that you love them." He is right, and he lives it each day. May God smile on this man, who I am very honored to call my brother.

1 comment:

  1. This was an "unpaid advertisement" from a man I love, one who means the world to me, and aw shucks, knows how to strike my heart and cause those tears to well up.

    Ti amo, il mio fratello, del mio cuore.

    You will find a whole case of Peeps waiting for you when you get home. :-)


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