Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hoppy shined my patrol boots today.

Very early -- like at sunrise -- my twin brother and I will go to mass. I'll be in the patrol boots, dress pants and shirt. Unless he makes me, I will forgo the tie, though he will be in a suit. Bless him, he got the suit genes, and I got the leather jeans. (smile)

When we get home, I will prepare a nice breakfast. Then I'll shuck the dress duds but not the boots. I'm gonna boot up in leather and (another pair of) tall cop boots and ride my Harley. My brother and I will go visit the little ones and he will be in a full-sized bunny costume!

No, a helmet won't fit in the head; we will have to ride close to the surprise locations and have him take off the helmet and put the head on... then go terrorize the kiddos and get 'em juiced up on lots of candy.

Mid-day, I'll leave my brother at a sister's house for lunch while I go for a ride with my club. The ride is supposed to only be a couple hours, but we'll see if the estimate is correct.

Mid-afternoon, I will rejoin my brother, bunny him up again, and go for a few more visits. It ought to be a ton of fun and laughs. We will have Easter dinner at another sister's house, then come home early. He has to go to a series of meetings in DC (which is why he is visiting) and I have to go back to work early on Monday.

Happy Easter, everyone! Life is short: show those you love that you love them (even in crazy ways!)

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