Saturday, May 16, 2009

Police Week Visitor

I had the pleasure of meeting once again a fellow blogger who likes boots. I have linked to his blog from mine for a long time. He's a very nice guy and I enjoyed his company over lunch this past Thursday. We share similar interests, and I learn a lot from listening to him and his experience and background.

He is wearing Chippewa Hi-Shine engineer boots (top of photo) and I am wearing my All American Blue Knight Patrol Boots (bottom of photo).

My fellow blogger was in town to enjoy the activities of National Police Week. I found it interesting that he brought eight pairs of boots with him for a week's stay. He said that he liked to have choices. I'm glad he was driving a vehicle... lots of room for boots.

Thanks, buddy, for a nice conversation at lunch. I appreciate that he showed a photo that he took of our boots meeting on his blog. My All American Patrol Boots came in handy as I got caught in a sudden shower on my way home later that day. Nice to have boots on that provided superb traction at the stoplights where oil collects on the road surface and becomes extra slippery when wet.

Keep blogging, and stay booted!

1 comment:

  1. And, thank you for our lunch talk and for wearing those fine boots!

    I made it back home last night, safe and sound.


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