Saturday, June 13, 2009

Balance: The Company You Keep

If you define balance by the company you keep, then look no further than my sphere of influentials. They truly are the ones who balance my life. They keep me sane, focused, involved, and loved. Who are these life-balancers?
  • My wonderful partner: He stands with me in life and has profoundly improved the "me" I have become. I can not say enough about his qualities of faithfulness, caring, integrity, and ... (this is a G-rated blog.)

  • A great family: a large raucous bunch who treat their little brother with respect, dignity, graciousness, and lots of love. Yet they never let my head grow too big; they're very good about keeping me grounded.

  • My twin brother: He is in every sense of the word my "bestest friend" and soulmate. We are different men. He loves to wear suits, ties, and dress shoes and I can't stand those things. Other than that, he's pretty cool. (smile).

  • My eighth brother, "AZ": He has done so much to pull himself up by his bootstraps and live well where he is now in his life. I admire him so much, for all he does for and with so many. He helps to balance my life by reminding me to take care of me.

  • My 94-year-old aunt: She is a warm, wonderful woman who I love dearly, and care for regularly. Her memory is lacking, but her charm is endearing.

  • A circle of close friends. I am afraid that if I tried to name all of them, I would forget to mention some, which wouldn't be right. Let's suffice it to say that I am richly blessed with caring, thoughtful, and generous friends who keep me safe, sane, grounded, and who help me in ways too numerous to count. There are those I have known my entire life and some I have met more recently. They listen, they love, they care, and I am indebted to them beyond what mere words can describe.

  • Senior buds: they get regular attention and give it back. They have opened my eyes to so many things and help me to remember that life truly can be joyful if we want to make it be that way.

  • Fellow motorcycle riders: they give me a chance to have a break from the chores and endless errands to get out and enjoy the scenery and camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts.
To have a balanced life, one has to surround himself with the best people who won't be afraid to tell you when you're getting out of whack, when something could be done better, when you need to be grounded, or who will give you that occasional "attaboy" when you've done something good. They stand by your side through thick and thin, and love 'ya all the same. They never get catty, dramatic, or nasty when providing advice or ideas.

I truly believe that my life is indeed well-balanced because of the company I choose to keep. After all...

Life is short: let those you love show they love you (and love 'em back!)

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