Thursday, June 4, 2009

Memorable Boots Retired

These are my old Harley Harness boots. I have owned them for about 20 years. They were the most comfortable boots I had in my collection. I wore them as work boots.

My memories of these boots and what I was doing while wearing them include:
  • renovating most of my properties

  • building our house

  • mowing the lawn -- about a zillion times

  • doing lots of dirty-work out in the yard
I was wearing these boots when I was replacing the wiring in my mother-in-law's house on Memorial Day weekend. After a few hours, my left heel was aching. That was unusual. I took the boot off, and noticed a big hole in my sock and some blood on it. I discovered that I had worn the inside of the boot so far down that the nails that hold the heel onto the sole were poking out. The skin on the heel of my foot had been cut.

I changed boots, of course. No Bootman worth is salt would travel with only one pair of boots.

These old favorite boots are not possible to save. I tried putting in a gel insole, only to discover that the nails tore it up. I tried to hammer the nail heads back down, but couldn't get a hammer inside the bottom of the boot (and believe me, I tried!)

I have to tell 'ya, I am very unhappy to have to "retire" these boots. I can't throw them away. I am thinking of bronzing them. These boots have been on my feet for some of the hardest work I have ever done. My fondest memories while wearing them is that I had them on most days when I was building our house. Another fond memory of when I had them on is when my partner carried me over the threshold into our house when we moved in.

My partner thinks I'm nuts to get all nostalgic over an old pair of boots. He told me just to throw them out. I can't quite do that, so I've hidden them away... for now.

Life is short: wear your boots!


  1. Sorry to hear about your loss...I have the same problem can't wear them but can't part with them either

  2. Why don´t you use some kind of metal rod about as long as the shaft. Put it on the nail an hammer on the end outside the boot. Should work easy this way.

    Greets from Germany!



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