Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to My Blog, Wesco

Apparently a search tool triggered a visit to this blog by someone at the West Coast Shoe Company of Scappoose, Oregon, USA. The visit was from my tongue-in-cheek post about people who add an apostrophe to a singular word to make it plural, as in "I have ten pairs of Wescos" (note, no apostrophe, I can't do it.)

Ten pairs, say you? Wow... that's alot. (Check 'em out). Yep, I have had some of them for 30 years, and some were acquired much more recently. They are rugged as a rock, and
hold up to all sorts of wear and tear. But that's how the boots are advertised, and live up to their reputation as the "boots that can take the gaff." Sure can.

I do not wear my Wesco boots during the hot and humid days of summer. Just won't work. They are made of the thickest leather and my later Wescos are all leather lined. That just makes the boots too heavy and hot to wear during typical Washington summers.

But I do wear those boots often while riding my Harley in the Autumn, Winter, and Spring. The boots present a commanding appearance, work exceptionally well for motorcycling, and are comfortable. I should mention that all of my Wescos since my first few pairs are made custom to my size. That's really the only way to get tall Wesco boots to fit right, and then be
worth the investment.

Would I get any more Wesco boots? Probably not ... I mean, really, ten pairs is enough. But would I sell any? Well, maybe. I'm thinkin' about it... I have two pairs that just don't fit me any more, and they may find a better home with someone else.

Meanwhile, I welcome visitors from the West Coast Shoe Company, and commend the hard-working Bootmakers of the company for their fine craftsmanship. It is one of those rare companies where its reputation lives up to its product, each and every time.

Life is short: enjoy your Wescos!

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