Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Guest Blog from BHD's twin brother

Hey, brother, I'm coming home! You know I enjoy my work and my wife and I love where we live over here in Europe, but it's not home. I have always been like you -- I get homesick from time to time. I miss you. I miss our siblings. I do not remember what our nieces, nephews, and great nieces and nephews look like. Man, you can't get a burger in Paris like they serve at our favorite little hangout. You can't call a five cent euro coin a nickel, because it is copper in color. While gelato is great, I miss ice cream from the place Uncle Joe took us all the time.

I'm coming home! I want to rent a Harley and go riding with you again, like we did last year. Go get lost. Try out your new GPS, and this time, avoid water hazards (smile)! Let's ride to see the corn as high as an elephant's eye. (Just don't sing to me, please!)

I'm coming home! I want to visit with our family, and especially our aunt to whom you lovingly provide care. I want to listen to her stories, laugh with her, share with her, and love her -- as you do. I want to play games with the little ones, see what the bigger ones are up to, and congratulate our niece on her big honor she earned last week.

I'm coming home! I'm going to talk sense into that partner of yours, and encourage him to ease up on the demands for home renovation projects. Sure, you are skilled and can do a lot of things -- but you need to get out and enjoy life. Spend time doing things you want to do -- and perhaps not as much (at least while I'm there) for what you have to do. I look forward to giving your partner a big hug and talking world economics with him. He's so astute, intelligent, and interesting.

I'm coming home! Our birthday is in a few weeks. That's when you will see me for a visit. Though I can only stay a week, spending time with you will be my birthday present. I want to see you wearing the present I got you (smile again). I love you, 'bro, with all my heart. See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. ...sniffle, sniffle. I love you too, 'bro. I can't wait to see you!


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