Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Brother's Influence

My twin brother, bless him, is always on my case about "not dressing the part." He continually pressures me to "dress up more" since I work in a management position. I deal with many elected officials. I often represent my organization in meetings with officials from government agencies.

I have relented to wearing a tie when I have to go to these meetings, and even a jacket (if I absolutely must.) But I still steadfastly say "no" to dress shoes.

Or so I have said to my brother, who thinks that I am being more than stubborn. "Sei sempre così testadura!" he extolls.

He got "creative" this year for our birthday (still weeks away). He sent me a gift certificate from Kenneth Cole. He suggested that I get a "decent pair of shoes" with his generous gift in advance of national conference that I will be attending in Nashville later this month, and at which I will have to wear a suit most of the time (yuck!)

Well, I looked at the website and available footwear. My stomach turned into knots and I got a bad headache. Seriously, I can not consider wearing dress shoes. I can't even consider wearing sneakers. Dress shoes make me ill. (Sorry to the shoe fetish guys -- you have your interests and I have mine, and in this case, our interests do not intersect.)

I was considering "re-gifting" the gift certificate to my partner, but he stopped me cold when he said, "how would J [my twin] feel about that?" And of course I would tell him, if he didn't know already. (That "twin-thing" is alive and real for us. He always knows what's on my mind.)

I agonized over this for a couple weeks. Monday morning, J called me and said, "you haven't gotten the shoes, have you? You won't, will you? You've got that conference coming up, but this whole 'shoe business' has probably caused you a lot of agony, hasn't it?" Man, that guy knows me. Guilty as charged!

Then he sent me back to the Kenneth Cole website, and suggested that I look at the "n-different" boot. The style is being discontinued. Other so-called boots that Kenneth Cole sells are just plain ugly (IMHO). But the "n-different" boot was, well, "different." It's a boot, at least. A lace-up, which my best friend "AZ" detests. But... it's a boot. So I ordered a pair.

These "boot-ettes" arrived Tuesday (without even having to pay for next-day service!) I put them on and wore them to work yesterday, with a Harley tie that my brother gave me a few years ago. I'm wearing this stuff to prove to my brother that I can wear something a bit more dressy to work. Funny, at our staff meeting on yesterday, six people commented on the Harley tie, and two on the boots. "New shoes? Nice!" said the boss.

Life is short: show those you love that you love them. (Even if it kills 'ya!)


  1. Aw, it wasn't THAT bad! Those boots look good, and so does the tie. Happy birthday, 'bro.


  2. Да, хорошие сапoги! Вам очень идут (как, впрочем, и все сапоги, что Вы носите)!
    Really nice boots and they fit you!

  3. the kenneth cole's shoes / boots look good on you, keep them, i wish i had a pair like that, adrian from hongkong

  4. Update: (and I should have updated this post a while ago...) I had to dispose of these boots. They were awfully uncomfortable and caused blisters every time I wore them. I gave them away to charity. Perhaps they won't hurt some other guy's feet as they did mine. But to be brutally honest, I cannot recommend these boots. They're not well made and uncomfortable.


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