Monday, July 6, 2009

Stupidity on a Motorcycle

Responsible motorcyclists like me see kids like this and just shake their heads. This kid was to my left, waiting at a red traffic signal when I snapped his photo. What's wrong with this picture?
  • His right leg is ready to get seriously burned, as both of his hot exhaust pipes are centimeters from his leg.

  • His feet are ready to be seriously injured, as sneakers provide no protection whatsoever in a crash.

  • His backpack was heavy, and I observed that it restricted his movement. That's really bright; I guess he's never heard of bungee cords.

  • He was wearing a nice jacket, and while it's difficult to see, he was wearing thick gloves -- why the jacket and gloves if he doesn't give a damn about the rest of his body?

  • Don't miss that full-face helmet. If he weren't riding with his visor fully open, he might actually be doing something right on that end of his anatomy.
What you can not see in this photo is that he was driving like a hot dog, too. He tore off at the light, only for me and others going the speed limit to catch up to him at the next light.

This style of dress and motorcycle riding behavior is so stupid! Yet we see this all too often. When I was an emergency medical responder, I scraped kids like this up off the street all the time. Still happens.

Life is short: Real Bikers Wear Boots! (with long pants).

1 comment:

  1. Oh c'mon! Give society a chance to increase its average IQ. If not for these self-assuring "invincible imbeciles", how could the world control the growth of the idiotic ones? Perhaps the roads and the vehicles can do for us what birth control failed.


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