Friday, July 24, 2009

Training Ankles of Patrol Boots

The most important thing to do when you get a new pair of motorcycle police patrol boots -- especially the combo plastic/leather stock Dehner patrol boots -- is to break them in at the ankle correctly. When you do that, you are "training" the boots. You want them to bend at the ankle in such a way that they don't form folds, or dimples, that go diagonally inward. If that happens, it can cause the inside of the boot to rub against the soft, tender flesh of the ankle and generate blisters or bleeding sores.

Believe me, I know from experience how this can happen. In the early '90s, I bought a pair of all-leather custom Dehner patrol boots. I was thrilled with them when I got them. I put them on and hopped on my Harley for a ride. I walked in them a lot, thinking I was breaking them in.

Problem was, I did not take time to train the ankles of the boots before I put them on. I didn't know that you had to do that! Unfortunately, those boots developed a "bad break" at the ankle. The leather at the fold where the boot shaft meets the foot folded diagonally. The result: agony. I started to experience bleeding sores on the back of my ankle.

I tried to "re-train" or "re-bend" the offending area and folds of the leather. I learned, though, that once the folds get set in place which happens by walking in them, the leather will not be "retrained." I even soaked the offending area in water and stuffed the boots with kraft paper while they dried. I waited a week, then tried to "train" the fold at the foot. But it was a "no-go." The boots creased at the same bad places. Now when I wear those boots, I have to put in a protective piece of plastic between my sock and the back of the inside of the boot to prevent rubbing. It's odd to have to do that, and wastes time. But it's the only way I can wear those boots without causing pain.

If you already have boots with a "bad break," I am sorry -- you can not "retrain" boots.
Learn from my experience! When you get new boots, train them right. This is why I created this video, titled Training the Ankles of New Dehner Patrol Boots. I hope you find it helpful and learn from it.


  1. Thank you for that invaluable piece of information. I didn't know there was a special way to break in the backs of boots, I will certainly take the time to break in my new boots.

  2. I'm VERY happy to have discovered this information. When I got my custom Wesco Boss boots in late February, I put them through the "training", and I can't believe how great they feel. I can't wait until they're REALLY broken in. Will they ever come off?? Thanks BHD.


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