Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Downside of Natural Fertilization

Yesterday, after attending the unveiling of a portrait of my close friend and mentor (an elected official who died in 2007), I returned home to work with my partner to paint our master bedroom ceiling. It wasn't difficult, nor took a long time. I was a good boy: nary a complaint nor a whimper. We just got it done and hopefully, my partner will pronounce it completed after a closer inspection later this morning.

Then I got busy with work outside. I commented in May that we have about the greenest lawn in the neighborhood because we use compost as fertilizer. It is a bit more work to prepare the compost and spread it on the lawn. But it is well worth it, in both saving the environment from spreading more chemicals to the cost savings from not buying chemical fertilizer in the first place.

The only down-side is that the compost makes our sidewalk out front really dirty. It gets brown spots on it, and then an general "overwash" that makes it appear soil-brown. But think about it -- what I am observing is what washes off the lawn after a hard rain. That could be chemicals. But it's not.

Every now-and-then, I have to clean that gunk off the sidewalk. I pulled on my tall Bama-ized Wesco Harness Boots (which have a liking of things wet) and got to work using the powerwasher to clean the sidewalk.

It took a while, but was fun. The boots worked great and while the outer leather got a bit wet, my feet remained dry. Some neighbors who were walking to an illegal meeting down the street saw me and the boots, and just waved (or tried to act invisible, since they knew that I knew that their meeting was held in violation of state law).

After I was done, my partner and I relaxed for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. See, Tef: I can relax. It's not all work 24/7!

Life is short: enjoy it, both at work and after!

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