Friday, August 7, 2009

Working for the Weekend

As I was thinking about ending another full work week with a weekend looming ahead full of honey-do projects at home, a tune began rattling around in my head. Have you had those times when a song you knew before comes back to you, and you can't get it out of your head?

The tune by Loverboy titled, "Working for the Weekend," is what I am talking about in this case. I was thinking that the bosses of the world have it all backwards: that weekends should be five days and work weeks should be two (LOL, a long-held fantasy!) with no loss of pay (HA!)....

I keep thinking that I work and work and work and work and work (five days) and then have two days off ... only to have more work. In this case, paint the ceiling of our master bedroom, mow the lawn, take care of my aunt, take my old lady "crew" grocery shopping, do some home repairs for some elder buds that I had promised, attend a community event (unveiling of a painting of my mentor), and countless other things that my partner has rattling around in his mind, but surprises me with on weekends....

It's an age-old problem that working folks face. Work all week and work all weekend. Oh well, such is life and our routine. I will be granted a reprieve next weekend when my twin brother comes home to share our birthday. Can't wait!

Speaking of weekends and getting older...

A friend offered us two choice seats to see the Beach Boys on Sunday, August 23. They are playing at Wolf Trap, which is a wonderful venue, but far away from us (relatively speaking; it's in Virginia, which is quite a drive and traffic is awful.) It's on a Sunday evening, which won't work for us. We would get home too late, and I just don't handle "late" (anything after 9pm).

Plus, I got to thinking. Do I really want to see a bunch of old guys trying to sing like they once did in the 60s? Sitting there with people my age, trying to act and feel younger? These types of bands bring back fond memories, and it's always nice to hear their songs. But I'm not so sure I want to hear them try to hit those notes -- especially the falsettos -- after reaching "a certain age." I know I can't hit those notes any more.

I thanked my friend but declined the offer. My partner sealed the deal by saying that he just didn't want to go to the performance, and I wasn't all that excited about it, either.

Here's a comparison. Posted below are two videos that I found on YouTube. It is of the group LoverBoy singing the song I am writing about, Working for the Weekend. BTW, I read the lyrics and realized that they are empty and vapid. Only the title applies. Nonetheless, the tune is full of energy and keeps your boots tapping on the floor when you hear it.

However, in comparing the version of the tune sung when it was first released in 1981 (first video below) with a later rendition sung 25 years or so later (second video below), I can't help but think that these guys should just relax and enjoy retirement. At least in the more recent performance, the lead singer didn't try to wear white boots and orange leather pants!

What do you think? Should "old bands" that us Baby Boomers enjoyed in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, keep performing in 2009? I admire them for their continued energy and perseverance. I am not sure, though, that they can sing very well any more. You be the judge.

first release

later performance (25 years later)

Ooops, this one was removed for content violations by whoever put it up on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. 3 things:

    1. You need to speak with Honey on a new Honey Do-Don't list, beginning with a performance appraisal, evaluation of job scope (expand to include supervisory role aka hire people!), compensation (I see this is better than industry average *wink*), work hours, employee welfare...

    2. Regain your "life time." Rest time is also useful and effective time.

    3. Age is only a number but experience shows. I always marvel at the added emotional dimensions when singers perform their older songs. Watching youth and sheer grit give way to poise and polish and sometimes extra little personal touches from experience, the songs take on a new life, a new interpretation, a new enjoyment. My biggest beef is jazz is destroying almost everything - if you can't hold a tune, can't keep beats, can't... sing jazz. Everything can be attributed to ad lib.


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